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Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures

This year the Aikin Library will operate on a fixed schedule.  Mrs. Loughmiller will visit all Kinder and 1st grade classrooms with Library books available for check out.  2-4th grades will have scheduled Library times during each week.  We are working to create a fun and safe place for your child to browse and also adhere with guidelines we must observe due to the Co-vid outbreak.

1st-4th graders may check out 2 books, Kindergarten 1 book. Students may check out 1 additional book when working on a project.

Books in the Easy section check out for a 1 week period. Fiction books are checked out for 2 weeks. Students may recheck the book as needed. Fines are not charged when the overdue book is returned. Students that cannot pay for a lost book may make payments on the book until the balance is clear. Any student making weekly payments toward the lost book may continue to check out one book.









Melanie Loughmiller's Class

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