Dreisha Sims
4th Grade Math
Our Daily Schedule
7:20-7:45 Morning work
7:50-9:25 ELAR with Vines
9:25-10:55 Math with Sims
10:55-12:00 Science/Social Studies
12:00-12:20 Recess
12:20-12:45 Science/Social Studies
12:50-1:20 Lunch
1:25-2:00 WIN (Intervention)
2:10-2:55 Rotation
2:55-3:00 Pack up
3:05 Dismissal
Rotation Schedule
Day 1 - Writing lab
Day 2 - Computer 1
Day 3 – Art
Day 4 - PE
Day 5 - Music 2
Day 6 - Computer 2
Day 7 - PE
Day 8 - Music 1