Mrs. Henderson’s Schedule
7:20-7:40 Breakfast/Target the TEKS
7:40-8:45 Announcements/Fact Practice
8:45-9:35 Rotation
9:35-10:30 Math
10:30-10:50 Phonics
10:50-11:25 ELAR
11:25-11:45 Recess
11:45-12:15 Lunch
12:15-12:35 Read aloud
12:35-1:00 (25 min.)-ELAR/RtI/Stations
1:00-1:25 (25 min.)-Math RtI/Lab/Stations
1:25-1:45 ELAR
1:45-2:25 Science/Social Studies
2:25-2:45 End of Day procedures
Read aloud
To join:
In the To: box, text 81010
In the message box, text @wynhen
Current Condition: clear sky
Temperature: 31.91˚F
Feels Like: 31.91˚F
Wind Speeds: 2.73mph
Weather humidity: 80%
Chance of Precipitation: %