Paula Nichols' Schedule 2023-2024
7:00-7:30 - Morning Duty West Alcove Outside of Cafeteria
7:45-8:10 - Hart’s Room 308 (Inclusion)
8:10-8:35 - Lara’s Room 306 (Inclusion)
8:35-:9:35 - Conference/Planning
9:40-11:10 - Lara’s Room 306 (Inclusion)
11:10-11:40 - Personal Lunch
11:40-12:10 - Lunch Duty w/Hart’s Class - West Serving Line, Table 3.
12:15-12:50 - Hart’s Room 308 (Inclusion)
12:50-1:20 - MTSS Hart 308 MT/Lara 306 WTH
1:25 - 2:30 - Hart’s Room 308 (Inclusion) 2:45 - Afternoon duty in 2nd Grade Hallway - 2nd Grade Pink Bus and Green Bus