Frog Street Threes LESSON PLANNER Wonderful Word of the Week
Theme 1: Awesome Me ▪ Soy fantástico awesome
Week 1: Physical Me ▪ Mi físico fantástico
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Greeting Circle P-SE 3, P-SE 11, P-ATL 4
Unite: “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” ▪ “Hombros, rodillas y pies” Calm: S.T.A.R. Connect: morning greeting Commit: walking feet |
Morning Message P-LIT 1, P-LIT 2, P-LIT 3
I am awesome. Soy fantástico. |
I am terrific. Soy increíble.
I am special. Soy especial.
I am remarkable. Soy extraordinario.
I am magnificent. Soy magnífico.
LITERACY Read-Aloud P-LC 1, P-LIT 5, P-SE 9
Practice Centers
⃝ Awesome Me ▪ Soy fantástico _____
⃝ My Body Talks ▪ Mi cuerpo habla _____
⃝ Awesome Me ▪ Soy fantástico _____
⃝ My Body Talks ▪ Mi cuerpo habla _____ |
⃝ Awesome Me ▪ Soy fantástico _____
⃝ My Body Talks ▪ Mi cuerpo habla _____ |
⃝ Awesome Me ▪ Soy fantástico _____
⃝ My Body Talks ▪ Mi cuerpo habla _____ |
⃝ Awesome Me ▪ Soy fantástico _____
⃝ My Body Talks ▪ Mi cuerpo habla _____ |
Creativity Station Draw self-portraits and describe themselves (P-SE 9, P-PMP 3, P-LC 5, P-LC 7) Gross Motor Jump from line and record distance (P-LC 1, P-PMP 1, P-PMP 2) Library & Listening Listen to Awesome Me • Soy fantástico (P-LIT 2, P-ATL 7, P-ATL 2) Outdoors Take a nature walk and record awesome sights (P-LC 2, P-ATL 4, P-ATL 9) |
MATH Attributes: Intro P-MATH 8, P-ATL 8
Practice Centers
Day 1 Introduce attributes and sing “This Is Tiffany” ▪ “Ésta es Carmen”
Day 2 Practice using attributes to describe children, toys, and the classroom
Day 3 Continue using attributes to describe children, toys, and the classroom
Day 4 Use attributes “tall” and “short” to describe
Day 5 Use attributes “large” and “small” to describe
ABC Notice letter attributes: straight lines, curvy lines (P-PMP 2, P-ATL 11, P-MATH 8) Outdoors Go on an outdoor walk looking for leaves (P-SCI 3, P-MATH 8) Pretend and Learn Use dress-up clothing to make and describe outfits (P-ATL 11, P-ATL 13, P-SE 4) Science Explore fingerprints and sequence handwashing steps (P-SCI 1, P-SCI 3, P-PMP 6) |
STEAM P-ATL 11, P-SCI 1, P-SCI 5 |
Building Structures Use a variety of materials to build towers and then describe their attributes (tall, short, big, little, soft, hard).
Moving & Learning P-LC 2, P-PMP 1, P-PMP 2 |
Play “I am Special” ▪ “Yo soy especial” / Play “I Like Me” ▪ “A mi me gusta”
Closing Circle P-SE 11, P-ATL 8, P-LC 5 |
Review & Reflect Theme 1 Theme Letter, Theme 1 PATT Mat, Family Connections Card #1 |
Frog Street Threes LESSON PLANNER Wonderful Word of the Week
Theme 1: Awesome Me ▪ Soy fantástico ecstatic
Week 2: Feeling Me ▪ Yo siento muy contento
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Greeting Circle P-SE 3, P-SE 11, P-ATL 4
Unite: “If You‘re Happy and You Know It” ▪ “Si eres feliz y lo sabes” Calm: S.T.A.R. Connect: “On Your Face” ▪ “En la cara” Commit: listening ears |
Morning Message P-LIT 1, P-LIT 2, P-LIT 3
I am happy. Soy feliz.
I am ecstatic. Estoy muy contento.
I am magnificent. Soy magnífico.
I am special. Soy especial.
I am three. Tengo tres años.
LITERACY Read-Aloud P-LC 1, P-LIT 5, P-SE 6
Practice Centers
⃝ How Do You Feel? ▪ ¿Cómo te sientes? _____
⃝ Little Red Hen ▪ La gallinita roja _____
⃝ How Do You Feel? ▪ ¿Cómo te sientes? _____
⃝ Little Red Hen ▪ La gallinita roja _____
⃝ How Do You Feel? ▪ ¿Cómo te sientes? _____
⃝ Little Red Hen ▪ La gallinita roja _____
⃝ How Do You Feel? ▪ ¿Cómo te sientes? _____
⃝ Little Red Hen ▪ La gallinita roja _____
⃝ How Do You Feel? ▪ ¿Cómo te sientes? _____
⃝ Little Red Hen ▪ La gallinita roja _____
Creativity Station Circle happy face stick puppets (P-SE 4, P-PMP 3, P-ATL 13) Language & Literacy Match emotion cards (P-ATL 3, P-ATL 7, P-SE 9) Library & Listening Listen to How Do You Feel? ▪ ¿Cómo te sientes? (P-LIT 2, P-SE 11, P-ATL 2) Outdoors Play a jumping game with emotion circles (P-LC 7, P-PMP 1)
MATH Attributes: Color P-MATH 8, P-LC 6, P-ATL 8
Practice Centers
Day 1 Discuss color attributes: red, yellow, blue
Day 2 Review attributes: red, yellow, blue; describe clothing colors
Day 3 Discuss color attributes: orange, green, purple
Day 4 Go on a color hunt, describe clothing colors |
Day 5 Sing “If You’re Clever and You Know It” ▪ “Si eres listo y lo sabes”
Creativity Station Paint at the easel with primary colors (P-ATL 3, P-ATL 6, P-ATL 12) Math Arrange paper squares by shades of color (P-MATH 8, P-ATL 7) Outdoors Make colored cellophane shadows outdoors (P-SE 4, P-SCI 2, P-SCI 5) Science Mix blue and yellow play dough (P-SCI 1, P-SCI 2, P-ATL 11) |
STEAM P-SCI 1, P-SCI 6, P-PMP 3, P-LC 5 |
Color Mixing Explore color mixing with paint and light
Moving & Learning P-PMP 1, P-PMP 2, P-LC 2 |
Play the game How Do You Feel? ▪ ¿Cómo te sientes? / Play “At the Easel” ▪ “Con la paleta”
Closing Circle P-SE 11, P-ATL 8, P-LC 5 |
Review & Reflect Family Connections Card #2; Conscious Discipline Family Letter |
Frog Street Threes LESSON PLANNER Wonderful Word of the Week
Theme 1: Awesome Me ▪ Soy fantástico sociable
Week 3: Social Me ▪ Soy sociable sociable
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |